Heart of the Middle Path Retreat Training

With Jo Tastula, Stuart Watkins, Lama Surya Das, Benjy and Heather Wertheimer, Cindy Tonghil and Cam Watkins

Join Jo, Stu and friends on this 9 hour retreat training in which you’ve got an opportunity to dive deep into the wisdom traditions in your own space.

In This Course You will Explore:

  1. Bhakti Yoga and the path of devotion.
  2. The middle way and how we can integrate the Yoga practice beyond the mat.
  3. Dharma talks and meditation with Lama Surya Das, Jo Tastula and Stuart Watkins.
  4. Incorporating philosophy and devotion into an asana practice.
  5. Call and response Kirtan with Shantala.
  6. Spinal Flow with Cam Watkins.
  7. Chanting with Cindy Tonghil.
  8. Comprehensive practices with Stuart and Jo.
  9. Yoga Nidra with Jo.


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